[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you notice soft or hard yellow patches on the inside corners of your eyelids, you might have xanthelasma. They’re made up of cholesterolthat’s under your skin. They aren’t harmful, but if you’re bothered by the way they look, there are treatments that can get rid of them.
Your xanthelasma usually won’t go away on its own. The growths will either stay the same size or get bigger over time.
If you’re worried about your appearance, you may want to have these growths taken off. A dermatologist can remove xanthelasma with one of these methods:
- Dissolve the growth with medicine
- Freeze it off with intense cold (cryosurgery)
- Remove it with a laser
- Take it off with surgery
- Treat it with an electric needle (electrodessication)