Wart Removal

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Wart is quite an interesting formation. The development of this disease can not be controlled: it can suddenly disappear or not respond to the most effective methods of treatment. Thus, it is necessary to talk about the best way how to get rid of a wart.
Warts are caused by HPV (human papillomavirus), therefore they are contagious. There are many varieties of hpv warts. It is necessary to identify and remove them quickly because HPV virus can cause various health problems. It integrates into cells and changes human DNA. Such process increases cells division and makes them proliferate rapidly.

This virus can be transmitted through shaking hands, touching, sexual contacts, kissing, from mother to unborn child, as well as through skin lesions. An excessive dryness or moisture of the skin and lack of capillary blood supply favour the virus penetration. The appearance of warts on hands can also be caused by nail biting. The infection can easily penetrate into the damaged skin layer. Skin lesions made while shaving, epilation, peeling can also turn into warts. If body defenses are weakened and the measures to strengthen the immune system are not taken in time, the chance of wart occurrence increases. Having penetrated into the body, the virus can cause warts on the spot, however it not always happens. Sometimes the process of warts appearance can take from one to several months. Sometimes a virus carrier may even have no visible symptoms.
Although these skin formations are benign, in neglected cases, DNA of the cells modified by papilloma virus may cause cancer. Virus gene is often found in neoplastic cells. Diagnosis can help to find the solution of how to get rid of warts as fast and effective as possible.

Kinds of Warts

  1. Common warts are tight rounded papules with rough surface. They are painless and may appear on fingers and face, rarely on scalp. Their treatment necessity is caused by elimination of the appearance defect resulting in stress;
  2. Plantar warts appear in the places where your foot is in close contact with the shoe. They are similar to corns and hurt while walking. This kind of warts requires a long-term treatment;
  3. Flat warts are painless papules up to a centimeter in size. Usually their colour is not different from the skin layer, but some can occur of bluish and yellow-brownish tint. As a rule, they slightly extrude above skin level. Flat warts may spontaneously disappear, but sometimes they remain for the whole life, especially if you do not try to remove them;
  4. Pointed or venereal warts appear in the mouth, on the intimate places, around the anus. They are externally similar to the cockscomb. Unavoidable contacts with these skin formations cause pain. In case of infection penetration the warts inflame and increase in size. The most widespread way to get the infection of pointed warts on genitals is transmission from a sexual partner. The decision on how to get rid of these skin formations should be made by a specialist – gynecologist, venereologist, or urologist.


How to Get Rid of a Wart Fast?

You can use medication therapy. Warts can be treated with cauterization using special medical preparations on prescription. Cosmetic procedures are another way of getting rid of warts quickly. Such treatment is effective, as it has a damaging effect on warts. There are different types of this curing method.

Cryotherapy or Cold Therapy

To remove a skin formation, it is being frozen with cryogenic nitrogen. The temperature of the material used is -196°C. The specialist applies a wooden stick with a cotton swab in the end to the wart for 10-30 seconds. As a result, the epithelial cells of the wart are destroyed, skin inflames and the local immune system activates.



Wart removal with cryogenic nitrogen can be both soft and aggressive. The soft variant leads to redness of the defect and activation of local immunity. The aggressive one causes the formation of subdermal blister. A few minutes after the completion of the process, the skin near the defected zone becomes pale and tight. A water blister is formed around the papilloma. It can be cut away together with a wart, or few days later the blister bursts by itself, and the skin restores. The method does not cause severe pain, especially if the wart is small. If more skin than the size of formation is freezed, there can remain a scar.

This kind of wart removal implies several procedures (from one to five). The interval between them is from one to two weeks. Cryotherapy usually does not leave scars. Thus, it can be used to remove facial warts, genital warts, plantar warts and warts on hands.


Electrocoagulation is the way of warts removal with high frequency current. This method is rather painful, thus it is conducted under local anesthesia. The piece of cut skin is transferred for histological examination. The scab formed after the procedure disappears in about a week.



Laser Therapy

Getting rid of papilloma with laser therapy also requires local anesthesia. After such kind of procedure a small depression of tissue is formed. It smoothes in a couple of weeks.



Other Ways

  • One more solution implies radiofrequency usage. The method is rather effective but there is a high likelihood of scarring. Therefore, its usage is limited.
  • Typically, surgical removal is applied to get rid of pointed or venereal warts.
